Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hope floats!

There is going to be some change (finally!) in my life and changes always deserve a blog!! Hence, here again, re-entering the blog world! Wanting to share and remember my days henceforth through this blog!

Well, what exactly is the change? you may ask! The change is that by april 23 i will be working out of New Jersey, thats about the only change! No change in what I do, no change in who I do it for and above all no change in me!! But I hope, seriously hope, the last part alone changes and changes for the better! Thats what is my single greatest goal in the next one year (time im planning to be in US of the A), to become better!

I really really want to believe that this is the one year that I will put to use to decide what Im going to become in the years ahead!

Right now, I still don't know what Im going to do 10 years from now, the techie world is so obviously boring!! And Im short of ideas for the future!!

I guess thats the way pretty much every techie in the world feels! Wanting to do so many things but eventually not doing anything because of the laziness that they have acquired working in the Software Slaves Industry!! Oops!! did i say slaves, pardon me, Software Services Industry is what I was wanting to say!! :-)